i sooooo want IT:)

alrite wen i was going to work rite on a particular day,i saw this phone which i sooooo want it,its elegant,slick,candid,and basically practical and and PRETTY WETTY!!!not onli it is available in black but oso got other colours as well...hmm basically rite the phone is from SAMSUNG..model F480...but butkan the thing is that it is touch screen lh..i noe i'm not the "jaga kind of person"so yeah sekejap je klao jaga barang,pas tu hmm jahanam..dah mcm watch adidasku yg colour brown,dah jadi ALMARRHUMMMM..teheee wehee(baby if ur reading this,HINT tao)hhahhax...tkde lh..wanted to purchase the nokia N95 but aiya menjak-menjak nie touch screen phone has been growing like mushrooms sia..so i oso got the urge lor..hha..but aiya feel wasted if i we're to buy,cuz this year i just change my phone to the sony e w910..haiya papaya btol lh...but this phone oso dah calar balar..shuts man,maner tidak dah jatuh kat train smua..haiya chi bei chialat...
gosh it's sunday and guess wat its raining cats and dogs..hmm kan gerek if i were to just slp and snuggle and watch TRANSFORMERS..hmm don't noe lh for the past few days mcm naik syiok pulak watch that DVD over and over again..in fact some of the scripts i have memorise!!!shia is soooooo freaking HOT in that movie!!!!!awesome babe..can't wait for the part 2 to hit the screen,hopefully nxt year.still in the context bot movie yeah HSM 3 coming out this friday,wanted to watch it with my LAUGH EM gangs imagine the five of us sitting in a row and khusyuk watch the movie amongst the kids in age less than 13,ya ampuin!!!hha ape nk buat best gitu being swept onto a magical land of eastwood high school with TROY,dancing and singing, we're all in this together!!!!!hhahhaha
but aiya my gerls have been feeling sicky lately,first was acie due to her eyes next was yanie...hmm sape pulak lepas tu yang akan dijangkiti kuman wabak seterusnya..nvrm gerls lets take precautions aite..huhu...but but kan i am sooooo freaking excited for this week,many events gonna take place,planning,talking,discussing,hmm the adventure of this expedition is sooo making me way to excited..hmmm i think my gerls and i can set up a company and plan stuff!!!sometimes the ideas are sooo funny,out of the box and creative but with a sprinkle and touch of hornyness!!!hhax well my gerls are the open and funny tyme so yeah we're not afraid of making a fool of ourselves in the event of making each other bellies suffering from massive laughter syndrom..hhhahahah
i sooooo like want my pay rite now cuz i have lesser dushk(money lh),haiz biler lh gaji nnk masok..punya lh lama...hmm nvrm tis month wan i soo wana spent cuz i noe last month hols i have been working like mad..even up to 10 hrs per day pon ader..haiz hardworking lh katekan..hha lepas tu standard complaint pat hubby,"U,U I PENAT!!!!"hhax even some tyme vent my anger pon ader,kecian pulak dier tempat daku throw tantrums..hheeee, i'm soooo soooo sorrry babe..well actually some things happen,i noe i was not supposed to do that,but in a case wen u're tired and ngantok and lazy wen someone step on ur toes u kind of get mad for tiny things..recently i was like throwing tantrums at him for tat nite,i was sooo not in the mood wen he said that,so i just kept quiet thru out the conversation,seriously i noe that i love to say things or even plan but i would not do it NOW,but eventually at a later date i would get it done..u can't expect me to change on the spot mah,this have always been my habit sey so naturally i have to take tyme to make amendments to change this other side of me...hmm agaknye dah oklh sekarang..
klah people i'm hungry and sleepy liao will update at a later date aite!!!
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