Feb 28, 2009
change my hairstyle again..hha rimas lh long hair,moreover i am the person canot manage my hair,very the lazy..today went to snip here and snip there and atlast my hair became an angle bob..somesort like that lh..
Feb 27, 2009
super LAZY:)
actually today got school and i even woke up at ard 7.55am which is actually sempat lh for me to attend bzc class,but i was pure lazy to get my bums off the bed..haha,told acie she just go sch first lh cuz i mayb or mayb not coming so yeah,yanie pon tak dtg dah,haiz now sch is soo boring,and since the debarment list if out,i oso lazy lh wana go sch..fauzi ask me whether wana go tgt anot,but aiya i was lazy,ader orang nak ambek naik kerets pon malas..hha anyways was tired lh nari penat sangat-sangat..etahlh knape..ohyeah my mood swings oso dah dtg and end up baby boy yang suffer..idk why lh but this few days i very the lazy wana layan him,idk why??haiz..
labels:i'm getting bored:(
labels:i'm getting bored:(
Feb 26, 2009
geylang SIPAKU geylang:)
thanks banyak banyak to mr fauzi for sending mumy,adam and me to geylang. Well my mum was so eager to go geylang to get her golds change cuz like the gold prices have gone up..so yeah baby offered to hantar us to go geylang..THANKS YA..so yeah my bro was like nie sape?ehk mane abg?abg marilh lari...hha so yeah baby pon ikotkan je lh karenah adek lelaki aku yang nakal nie..hha..
kesian jugak aku tgk dier terlari-lari main ngan si kecik nie..hha cute lh u..anyways you i still with my decision to not having a kid..so the many trouble..hmm thanks bangat babe for sending us ther,mumy appreciate lots:)
labels:k happy bangat:)oh yeah since ytd rains,we all postpone to go downtown,nxt tyme aite:)
kesian jugak aku tgk dier terlari-lari main ngan si kecik nie..hha cute lh u..anyways you i still with my decision to not having a kid..so the many trouble..hmm thanks bangat babe for sending us ther,mumy appreciate lots:)
labels:k happy bangat:)oh yeah since ytd rains,we all postpone to go downtown,nxt tyme aite:)
Feb 24, 2009
should we or SHOULDN'T WE???

i'm in total dilemma this minute..you see babyboy has 2 tix to wild wild wet so we tot of going there this upcoming thursday,unfortunately,this few days MR HUJAN keeps on HUJANING..so yeah i really don't want it to be a wasted trip man..moreover kite dua orang dah mcm malas nk go sch..opps i shall not say kite dua orang i shall say I ALONE:))hha please help my lazy bum to go sch..haiz:((
lables:tomorrow is jugdement day if not we POSTPONE lor:((
a trip around SINGAPORE:)
today is tuesday the 24..hha supposingly(spelling??) we were to have lesson at 8-3.30pm but,hha i woke up late lh,tot i only end up juli,aci and my baby oso wake up late..anyways so we tot of just going snw lor but kan, i think approx 500-900m reaching sch,ilyiaq msg saying that snw is cancelled but is replace by a Hainan Trip talk..wat the hell!!!aku dah semangat-semangat nak pi snw den cancel dah..haiz end up me,aci and fauzi went for breakfast instead at ljs..initially wanted breakfast but we decided to wait for the lunch..sit-sit den juli arrived and meet us at ljs..hhe so end up we all have THE GREAT COMBO MEAL..yippie:))
so yeah since everyone decided not to attend sch,we were like wat takkan nk balik kan,so we went to SSC,hha just for DAISO and COTTON ON and CHALLENGER..hha end up i bought a picture frame at DAISO and my baby bought this mp3 car connecter thingy which cost $35.90!!!end up like canot work only..den we were like looking at our watch and it's only 1pm!!!god lambat sey masa jalan..so yeah baby decided to drive to BOTTLE TREE PARK at sembawang and off we go,cool shit you noe the place,den bored oready we went upper seletar for some camwhoring inside car and scenery..hhe julie became a top model and acie became the photographer..suasana gamat bangat sik...den after that head to cwp to drop dm off and he send me back hm..then that's wher he tot me how to drive!!!!!cool shit,but nervous giler holding that steering wheel..hmm tk sabar pulak nk take driving lesson:))so yeah will update later aite:))
labels:i miss my LA'FEMME..this 2 days have not been a full house for us..hopefully tomorrow u guys came aite and support acie for her OI OI:))
Feb 23, 2009
monday blues is not that BAD:)
yippie i love not having to wake up at 6 am for classes..shiok gitu tidur..anyways standard went to mrt station and guess who i saw it's FION!!!!!!!geez i'm over the moon to meet her man,tk dpt banyangkan brape gembiranye aku..tgk muka dier teringat tempat and masa dulu dulu keje,inside jokes and stuff..haiz miss those tymes..i just found out from her that majority of them is being transferred to northpoint..geez lucky me for not visiting them first at sunplaza,so yeah since aku nari abiz cepat,apelagi decide to drop by northpoint since my baby pon tinggal yishun,so yeah like killing two birds in one stone lor..
the moment i enter, saw kak ani,fuhlamak makin lawa sey dier!!!dah slim,peeweet mcm anak dara gitu u..hhe saw uncle allan and uncle toh..well the both of them is not that uncle ok,allan is only 24 and vincent is only 30++..and allan is cute:))hha
anyways yeah misses them lh,miss those times when always kena kacau by them since i'm the youngest there..hha ohwell.bought a few stuffs for my homemade lipbalm and yeah went to walk walk abit,saw this vans ladies shoes damn pweety sia only $59.00.cheap rite:)) den send baby under his blk and talk talk den before you know it it started to rain dah..so terpaksa lh aku dudok kat bwh blk dier for the rain to stop jap,nak naik tapi haiya tknk lh,paham2 jelah..hhax so yeah always he send me back home this tyme i send him back home but tu pon dier kena hantar me sampai bus-stop cuz i am an idiot in road directions..hha klah wana shower and get my hands dirty doing my homemade chocolate lipbalm and i would put my LA'FEMMES to the test for my product..hha:))
the moment i enter, saw kak ani,fuhlamak makin lawa sey dier!!!dah slim,peeweet mcm anak dara gitu u..hhe saw uncle allan and uncle toh..well the both of them is not that uncle ok,allan is only 24 and vincent is only 30++..and allan is cute:))hha
anyways yeah misses them lh,miss those times when always kena kacau by them since i'm the youngest there..hha ohwell.bought a few stuffs for my homemade lipbalm and yeah went to walk walk abit,saw this vans ladies shoes damn pweety sia only $59.00.cheap rite:)) den send baby under his blk and talk talk den before you know it it started to rain dah..so terpaksa lh aku dudok kat bwh blk dier for the rain to stop jap,nak naik tapi haiya tknk lh,paham2 jelah..hhax so yeah always he send me back home this tyme i send him back home but tu pon dier kena hantar me sampai bus-stop cuz i am an idiot in road directions..hha klah wana shower and get my hands dirty doing my homemade chocolate lipbalm and i would put my LA'FEMMES to the test for my product..hha:))
Feb 22, 2009
shopping ANYONE?

side VINTAGE CULTURE slings...
yeah yeah,i'm soo gona order this from my cuzzy,i didn't realise that he was selling/dealing stuff online so yeah today then he tell me..anyway i have been searching this kind of bag high and low,phew!!!atlast found..so yeah i am gonna purchase this BG1 at the left side,damn cheap oso only $13.90..initially i wanted to purchase the cotton bag but unfortunately it is freaking common everywhere you go,even in sch dah jadi mcm part of the unifrom,majority have it sia,so yeah i didn't purchase lh..anyone interested in buying this bag or other printed t's for lads and guys hop on to this blog and i bet you wouldn't be disappointed:)
come and support ya'll:))
Feb 20, 2009
happy GITU:)
haloo blog,hmm just realise that my blog is a bit dusty due to lack of updates..well standard reason,buzy with school..anyways yippie yeah yeah, lucky for us LA FEMME, our projects are all done!!!yup DONE..be it bzc or marketing,ehk wait aci not done yet lh..alamak must wait nxt week den can pop the bottle..hha anyways i wana say a shoutout to ida, aka bedah aka sofia etc..well done bitch ur presentation was freaking awesome!!!!!! wah wah wah tk tidur ke smlm???hha
anyways yeah since PASTAMANIA had been given the green light by MUIS,i had my first taste at it..overall it was okay lh..it's fast,efficient and delicious as well.. so yeah had lunch with mum and dad..i had cheesy dont know what lh, mumy had creamy chicken and dady had supreme pizza..ohyeah and since i'm a glutton i ordered nacho chips and chicken wings..yummy!!!hhe luck the tab was picked by my mum,so end up she pay for everything..hhe yesterdays dinner kite 3 orang pon she pay,so lunch pon she pay..total je for ytd and today sums up to $100++..ke-ching ke ching..anyways thank you MUMY U'RE THE BEST MUMY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD:)
sorry baby ehk u tk dpt ikot,nxt tyme k..well i'm gonna make it up to u this week k,i promise:)
dah i tired heading to bed liao, c u blog wen i c u:)
anyways yeah since PASTAMANIA had been given the green light by MUIS,i had my first taste at it..overall it was okay lh..it's fast,efficient and delicious as well.. so yeah had lunch with mum and dad..i had cheesy dont know what lh, mumy had creamy chicken and dady had supreme pizza..ohyeah and since i'm a glutton i ordered nacho chips and chicken wings..yummy!!!hhe luck the tab was picked by my mum,so end up she pay for everything..hhe yesterdays dinner kite 3 orang pon she pay,so lunch pon she pay..total je for ytd and today sums up to $100++..ke-ching ke ching..anyways thank you MUMY U'RE THE BEST MUMY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD:)
sorry baby ehk u tk dpt ikot,nxt tyme k..well i'm gonna make it up to u this week k,i promise:)
dah i tired heading to bed liao, c u blog wen i c u:)
Feb 11, 2009
patriotic ADAM:)
this is hmm how should i put it, wana say patriotic oklh,but the whole thing is that it's soo funny everytime i think of him..Him i mean is my BABY BROTHER, ADAM SYAIBANI,aged 2 years++..hhe ok..well wen we asked him what he wan to be wen he grows up the first thing he says is ADAM NK JADI ARMY!!!!hha meaning he wants to become a SOLDIER BOY:)wow!!! excited nah i..hha
wen i was back home,my uncle bought him this huge toy,consist of a rifle and a helmet cuz like he soo like into ARMY STUFF..punya terperanjat aku..hha so yeah had a well paid for lunch just now,THANKS UNCLE FOR THE TREAT:) anyways yeah this bro of mine goes ard and "BANG BANG" to everyone tk kesah lh cine or malay..hha so yeah kelakar gile his reaction...dah k bye penat liao wana slp besarkan butt:)
wen i was back home,my uncle bought him this huge toy,consist of a rifle and a helmet cuz like he soo like into ARMY STUFF..punya terperanjat aku..hha so yeah had a well paid for lunch just now,THANKS UNCLE FOR THE TREAT:) anyways yeah this bro of mine goes ard and "BANG BANG" to everyone tk kesah lh cine or malay..hha so yeah kelakar gile his reaction...dah k bye penat liao wana slp besarkan butt:)
Feb 10, 2009
Feb 7, 2009
geez i love her vocals which is just splendid and awesome giler!!!well really breathless man..so yeah checked it out...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5ZQJoxae4o
well the lyrics is oso meaning full,so yeah really touched my heart:)peace!
well the lyrics is oso meaning full,so yeah really touched my heart:)peace!