Jun 9, 2009

well here i am for some updates since this blog is already dusty..oklah last weekend got orang kahwin..hmm i just wana say selamat pengantin baru ehk noreezan and budiman...(spelling)idk lh ehk..so yeah the pengantin pompuan is my cousin lor..so must help help abit lor..well overall okay lh the wedding...

k next,well hols is coming soon and i'am going to just slp eat slp eat till i become fat like badak hor..not going for camp gerek cuz i have sumthink on,soo sad hor,really wana pegi liao..sorry Jakuns:(,anyhoots there are abit progress for my event thingy,event thou some are like shit but on the bright side better things are coming along..can't believe that some people are ignorant about certain things,dang btol lh,orang nk kasi duit pon tknk apedah!!

had my Adm CA just now and the paper was ok-ok lah,bab fauzi and shaiful kena caught so the tkle angkat sey,feels like LOL but canot nanti paper kena tarik lor...hha..well its O.V.E.R and done-ded..hhe can't wait for tomorrow cuz we hav site recce even thou it means that we have to come to sch at 10 am when lesson starts at 12pm,so like what the fark..tomorrow confirm not gg back with babylove cuz he got soccer..B.O.R.I.N.G!!!hmm shall see what i should do tomorrow to occupy my time heh..sorry this is not a proper update,darn lazy to blog lh ehk..


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