well since i'm always free at home and don't know what to do i decided to create this blog called simplysedap-oohsooyummy.blogspot.com. well this blog is a collaboration of me and mum as both of us has a passion for baking and cooking..me cooking??hmm..well last weekend i decided to try my hands on baking and it works..so thats wher the idea came from. anyhoots my mum is the main person doing all those baking and stuff while my job is basically upload whatever she asked me to do..so yeah so far we have received orders for 2 chocolate walnut brownies and 4 trays of one traditional malay delicacy called getuk ubi..heard of it before..anyhoots will upload the chocolate walnut brownies by this weekend.ohyeah we also provide caterings for both food and desserts for any events be it weddings, or birthday watsoever. so yeah simplysedap is part of my baby now..go check it out..
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