camwhoring wit boifie:)

DICKIES and hand-made CARD:)
since just now,he ask me to sing him a birthday song but i was reluctant,bukan aper nanti takot hujan babe..hhe so yeah over here i'm gonna sing him a birthday song..
yeah!!!omg u're 22 oready,hmm biler lh aku nk jejak kan kaki ke alam dua puluhan tahun..hhe
so yeah today the both of us skip school just for his b'dae..hhax..wah bagus kan..so yeah in the morning supposed he pick me up under my block at 7 for breakfast,but kan end up not me late,but the b'dae boi yg lambat,hmm bersolek punya lh lama..actually NOT!!his late bcuz he slept at 1.30am the previous nite,yelah tu kater pukul 11 ehk nk tido..so yeah since it was his b'dae i decide not to be angry lh..kecian pulak kan..
so yeah meet at 7.30am and off we go have breakfast at COFFEE BEAN Sembawang,as usual i ordered Egg Club sandwich~content of the sandwich ham,eggs and tons of CHEESE!!!had a few bites and that was it punya lh memuakkan,hubby just ordered brownies as he knew i wouldn't finish up my food,so end up he ate it lh..after breakfast we went to enjoy each other companies like there's no tomorrow..seriously every single second of it was MAGICAL,WONDERFUL and PERFECT!!!i really really had an enjoyable time together even thou i had wasted lots of tyme..hha u noe, i noe ehk baby..
anyway seriously i made a last minute shopping for his b'dae present..hhe sorry babe,ok people guys stuff are soo difficult to find,i end up not knowing wat to buy for this MR of mine,first wen to amk hub,punya lh boring,end up just bought a DICKIES sweater-like for him..one word PERFECTO!!!o n yeah did i mention the sales person was incredible hot,hha so my cuzzies were like please can we walk past DICKIES again..hha btw thanks cuzzies for temaning me finding his b'dae gift,had a great tyme wit u guys:)
went back hm and poof straight do his card,was soooo last minute but yeah managed to finish it,so yeah i decide to write 22 things that i love or fall for him..few of it was(if can recall)*LUV TO MENYENYEH*PATIENT*ALWAYS REMIND ME OF MY FINANCIAL STATUS*and yada yada yada..so yeah i did it wen he was calling me!!!hhax so end up we didn't talk much and after that ard 11.30pm i decide to call it a day..
headed back to wdls and since i was craving for bubble tea i ask him to drove me near my sec sch tht sid,seriously the bubble tea is freaking amazing and delicious!!i had peach red tea and he had oreo almond,after tht drove back to my place and decide to do an A.A.R near the Jetty tht side,so yeah since my last meal was at 8,end up my stomach masok angin babe,vomitted again,pfft!!!hubby said my face was freaking PALE and he was afraid i would FAINT!!!hhe but now i think ok oready after had my panadols...
baby i had a wonderful and enjoyable time wit u just now,how u treat me as thou it was my b'dae pulak..hhe...wanna wish you HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY TO YOU,and hope that God panjangkan umur and rezeki you..AMIN*:)